Why You Should Skip Animal Interaction on your Southern African Safari

BLOG Why You Should Skip Animal Interaction on your Southern African Safari

Getting closer to wild African animals than you ever imagined is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have during your Southern African safari. How close is too close though?

Hands Off the Wild Animals

It is important to remember that Africa is not a petting zoo. Wild animals that become too familiar with humans lose their fear of mankind. The result is a double edged sword.

On the one hand you end up with animals that could and do attack human beings. On the other hand wild animals that have no fear of humans are more easily hunted and poached than those that are naturally wary.

Conservation First

Check the credentials of any so-called sanctuary that allows you to touch the animals on their property, especially young predators. Although not all lion cub petting is linked to canned hunting, it is never in the interest of wild animals to be handled unnecessarily by people.

That said, there are a few reputable organizations that allow limited interaction with animals. This is restricted to those rare cases where the animal cannot safely be released into the wild in future.


As ambassadors for their species, these few isolated animals are allowed into close confines with people in order to educate and inform them.

Always check with a reputable conservation agency regarding any facility which allows you to come into contact with their animals and steer clear of any travel operators who offer these tours.

Choose Wisely

Don’t visit breeding farms or facilities that keep animals in captivity. SA Tourism does not condone these practices and nor does the African Travel & Tourism Association.  Rather spend your tourism dollars on supporting legitimate conservation centers.

During 2016, over 100 of the world’s leading southern African safari operators joined the Born to Live Wild pledge which has the following at its heart:


  • Keeping wild predators wild
  • Endorsing responsible tourism destinations
  • Supporting the legitimate conservation community


If you are planning a sustainable tourism holiday or want to volunteer during your vacation, get in touch with a reputable tour operator who will put you on the right track.

Let’s keep Africa wild.


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