A Guide to Getting the Perfect Shot on Your Southern African Safari
Image Credit: Royal Zambezi

BLOG A Guide to Getting the Perfect Shot on Your Southern African Safari

Africa is one of the most amazing destinations on Earth. Not only will you encounter an incredible selection of wild animals and birds, but the sweeping landscapes, unique people and fascinating attractions will have you in awe at every turn.

Make the most of these stunning photographic opportunities during your Southern African safari, with these 5 sure-fire tips for getting the perfect shot.

  1. Get Out There

The best experiences in Africa are to be had outdoors. You’ll still have tons of chances to capture those irresistible gourmet foodie pics so popular on social media, but the best shots are to be had out there.  

As with everything, practice makes perfect. Before you leave home, familiarize yourself with your camera’s outdoor settings so you’re ready to take aim and fire in an instant during your vacation.

Spend some time acclimatizing yourself to the gorgeous light in Africa when you arrive so that you’re all set for that hero image when the opportunity comes.
You’ll be faced with many opportunities for dramatic action shots featuring breaching whales, charging lions and speeding cheetahs during your stay – be prepared.

  1. Soak up the Golden Hour

The 30-minute window on either side of sunset and sunrise presents a golden opportunity to capture scenery in the best light. These minutes are pure bliss in Africa. They coincide with the times when wild animals are most active, and the slanted rays of the sun erupt into the best hues of red, gold and orange that the spectrum has to offer.

Practice moving around and playing with filters to get the maximum effect from this time of day. Everything looks better during the Golden Hour so it’s the best time to pick up shots of the continent’s incredible trees, colorful local people and delicate blooms too.

  1. Push the Button

The advent of the digital age leaves a huge margin for error when it comes to photography. Provided you’re stocked up on memory cards, there’s no need to worry about wasting film.

Keep that camera clicking at every opportunity. When you’re photographing nature, things can change in an instant and many an unforgettable image has been captured by accident. Even the most experienced photographers don’t bank on one perfect shot – they take thousands of photos until they stumble across the ideal one.

  1. Think Big and Small

The Big Five is great there’s no doubt about that but you’ll soon discover that it’s worth sweating the small stuff during your southern African safari. The less famous animals, insects and birds can provide you with hours of fascination and interesting compositions too.

Pack your zoom lens and prepare to enter a fascinating world of the little creatures that contribute to Africa’s unique ecosystems. Taking a guided photographic tour or even booking an entire vacation centered on photography is the best way to learn how to make the most of your camera-friendly journey in southern Africa.

Don’t leave your camera packed away until you reach a wildlife area either. After 5 minutes in one of Africa’s large cities or tiny villages you’ll discover that there is plenty of camera fodder all around you.

  1. Respect Your Surroundings

Most importantly, never forget that you are the visitor in Africa. Treat the environment with the utmost of respect always. Wild animals are dangerous – don’t approach too closely or attempt to interact with them.

Avoid interfering with nature. That includes disturbing plants, rocks and even animal dung. Everything has its place in the wild, leave things as you found them so that those who come after you may have the same incredible adventures.

If you would like to see Africa through the lens of your camera, get in touch and we’ll arrange an unforgettable journey to capture it all.


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