Eco-friendly Game Viewing During YouSouthern African Safari
Image Credit: Chobe Game Lodge

BLOG Eco-friendly Game Viewing During YouSouthern African Safari

Occasionally, an invention comes along that is so incredibly logical that you can’t understand how nobody thought of it before. Electrically-powered game vehicles is one of these. Now visitors to Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana can enjoy guilt-free game viewing during their southern African safaris, thanks to a fleet of electrically-powered boats and trucks.

Responsible Tourism

The Responsible Tourism Awards, one of the most prestigious in the hospitality industry, has commended Chobe Game Lodge for this ground-breaking drive. These awards seek to recognize establishments that have gone above and beyond to limit the negative impacts of tourism in their daily operations.

This is the 3rd time that Chobe Game Lodge has been singled out for its efforts. The first was for Best Resource Management in 2015. They were applauded again in 2016 for Responsible Employment.

This Lodge recognizes that conservation does not end with the protection of the species in its care, but extends to the world environment. By reducing their carbon emissions, Chobe Game Lodge joins the world move towards environmentally-friendly living.

Benefits of Electric Vehicles for Game Viewing

Apart from the tiny carbon footprint that they leave behind, electrically-powered game vehicles have a few other benefits.

The vehicles produce very little noise as they move along land and water. This causes less disturbance to the wild animals and allows for better sightings from closer.

Animals are not frightened away by the strange scents of fossil-fuels on fire as safari-goers approach either. With little noise and smell to disturb them, wild species are more relaxed during the game viewing experience.

Getting on Board

Chobe Game Lodge introduced their first electrically-powered boats and vehicles in 2014. The initiative was an immediate hit and soon another 3 of each were added to the fleet.

Although the costs of converting over to solar-fueled vehicles can be prohibitive, the long-term savings – both financially and environmentally – cannot be argued. There’s no disputing that Africa gets enough sunlight to solar-power any number of these vehicles indefinitely for free.

Guests take great pleasure in being able to enjoy their southern African safari without harming the environment around them. Apart from the low emissions and noise, the new safari vehicles do the job every bit as well as their noisy, smelly predecessors.

Are you keen to try a solar-powered safari? Get in touch and we’ll help you arrange your trip to southern Africa’s most exciting places.


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