Experiencing the Big Five – Leopards Through the Lens
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BLOG Experiencing the Big Five – Leopards Through the Lens

The leopard has got to be Africa’s most photogenic cat. It’s serene beauty, pale eyes and magnificent coat are part of the attraction for sure. Yet , it’s the elusive nature of this nocturnal animal that adds extra prestige to photos of leopards.

Leopards in the Limelight

The leopard is the star of photographic competitions more often than not. Last year’s top shot at the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards was of an African leopard in repose against a sun dappled background. In the Young Outdoor Photographer of the Year Competition, it was an image of a mother and her cub that took top honors.

Get Your Shot

While award-winning shots are not in everybody’s league, there’s no reason why you too can’t capture stunning images of leopards during your Southern African safari.

Needless to say, there’s a knack to it and a bit of planning involved. For starters, choose to vacation in an area such as the Sabi Sand, where leopards are not only prevalent but accustomed to humans tracking them in game vehicles and bursting through the undergrowth from time to time.  

Next, booking into an exclusive lodge where game rangers and guides have more time to dedicate to your cause will give you the uninterrupted time you need to track and capture these big cats on film.

You could go as far as to book a specialized photographic safari, where an experienced safari photographer will show you the ropes on guided trips in search of wildlife. These game vehicles have many little extras, like bean bags or tripods to make your job easier.

Tips for Getting the Best Photos of Leopards

Get to know your subject. Watch documentaries and read up about leopard behaviour before your safari. Being able to anticipate their next move when you’re watching them will make your job a lot easier.

Late afternoon and early morning are the best times to catch leopards in action. You’ll find that the light makes for stunning photography during these hours too.

If you come across a sleeping leopard, let it lie. Wait it out and the cat may arise before too long and reward you with the chance to capture rare photos of stretches, yawns and preening before it lopes off.  

Leopards in trees and shadow do not make good photographic subjects. Try to capture the leopard out in the open and use a wide angle shot to showcase the surrounding bush too. Be aware of cutting off paws, ears or tails when taking pictures of leopards. Give your subject room to breathe.

A leopard has beautiful eyes, focus on highlighting them in your shots. If you can catch the cat looking into the distance or at something off camera, all the better. This creates an air of suspense in your image.

Plan an Unforgettable Photographic Safari Today

While photos of leopards may be top of mind during your safari in Africa, there are plenty of other amazing shots to take during your trip. Bearing these tips in mind, you’ll increase your chances of taking the shot you want, but remember to make the most of other photographic opportunities too.

Get in touch with one of our southern African safari experts today and start planning.


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