Saving South Africa’s Sungazer Lizard
Image Credit: Pixabay

BLOG Saving South Africa’s Sungazer Lizard

The latest red alert on the conservation horizon is South Africa’s very own dragon – the rare sungazer lizard. Since Drogon flitted over the horizon in the final series of Game of Thrones, the world’s been a little short of dragon action.

There’s hope though. In the deep recesses of South Africa’s Highveld, the sungazer lizard, Smaug Giganteus is making its last stand against human interference.

Yes, the name is a reference to Tolkien’s version of this mythical creature, and the sungazer lizard is the closest thing we have to a living breathing dragon. Sadly, it’s almost as rare as the ‘real’ thing.

Sungazers in Danger

These large spiny-scaled reptiles are endemic to South Africa and under serious threat from habitat loss. They’re also hot property on the traditional medicine market and sought after as pets.

The truth is, these creatures are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list, making it highly illegal to harm them or remove them from their natural habitat. Offenders face a 20-year prison sentence or a fine of R5 million! They also make shocking pets.

They’re unique among lizards as they live in communal burrows instead of rocky habitats. Their diet consists of beetles, ants, and small insects. It’s the largest lizard in the girdled lizard group, growing to a length of around 20cm.

As one of the most interesting creatures found in this area, Sungazer lizards are an important flagship species for the highveld. They play an important role in keeping insect numbers down and in turn serve as a prey species for jackals, snakes, honey badgers, and mongooses.

Sungazer lizards do not inhabit manmade burrows and refuse to breed in captivity.

What Can Be Done to Save the Sungazer?

The lizard is currently part of one of the largest reptile conservation programs in South Africa. Steps are in place to set up sungazer reserves where they already occur, and efforts to curb the illegal wildlife trade are ongoing.

At the moment, the best thing you can do if you want to do your bit to save South Africa’s dragon is to support the country’s many safari lodges and reserves.

When you book a safari in South Africa, a portion of your fees goes towards conserving the country’s iconic species. So, go ahead and book your safari for 2021 and do your bit to save the sungazer lizard.


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