The story of Sylvester, the male African lion, which could easily have ended in disaster, has recently come to a happy conclusion with the rehoming of this wandering cat.
Sylvester first made the news when he escaped from the Karoo National Park early in 2015, presumably to escape other aggressive male lions, causing widespread panic among farmers in the area. This feeling was intensified by Sylvester’s insatiable appetite – during his time on the run, the lion developed a taste for domestic livestock, killing 28 sheep and a cow while he was at large.
After an intensive three week long search involving trackers, dogs, helicopters and 4x4 vehicles Sylvester was eventually recaptured 180 miles from the park, fitted with a radio collar, and airlifted back home.
The relief was short-lived though, just a year later, the prodigal lion was on the run again, having burrowed under the fence for a second time.
At this point the future looked grim for the wandering lion, with both SANParks and the National Council of SPCA’s identifying the lion as a problem animal, and recommending that he be euthanized upon his recapture, while the Karoo National Park expressed unwillingness to accept him back into the fold after his repeat offences.
A massive social media outcry followed, Sylvester became a twitter hashtag overnight, and the subject of many a petition and peaceful protest while conservationists once again launched a massive search for him, and reconsidered their options.
This time Sylvester was caught napping by the authorities, who apprehended him while he was fast asleep in the Karoo sunshine, just 13 miles from the park. He was sent to a holding boma to await his fate.
It seems that Sylvester has managed to dodge the bullet once and for all this time. After weighing up the options, it was decided to move him to the Addo Elephant National Park’s Kuzuko contractual area, where he has been kept in a 200ha enclosure while he becomes familiar with his new surroundings.
His bachelor days are over though, within hours of his arrival he was seen becoming acquainted with his neighbours, two young females, and it is hoped that these lions will form a new pride when released from their enclosures, putting an end to Sylvester’s roving ways.
You can visit Sylvester on a trip to the sought-after southern African safari destination, the five-star Kuzuko Lodge, located on the hills overlooking Addo.