Who is the African Woman
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BLOG Who is the African Woman

Labelling people is never easy, and always borders on meaningless generalizations. Yet what is this mysterious creature, the African woman?

For some, the term refers to any woman born in Africa. For others, it refers to black women no matter where they’re from. Others see African women as gaunt impoverished victims of circumstance.

The truth is that the true African women are all of these and none of them at the same time.

Getting Under the Skin of African Women

To group all African women under one definition is comparable to offering one definition for all women. Thanks to the very size of Africa, it’s impossible to assume that all women who hail from Africa are the same.

It’s preferable to see ‘African-ness’ among women as a set of intangible qualities common to most of them.

African women are undeniably grounded in the world around them. They’re as resilient as they come, passionate, and inspirational, and patient. The African woman vacillates between modern and traditional, the city and the village, home and office without missing a beat.

She’s not fond of the phrase ‘can’t’ and even less enamored of the word’s ‘won’t.

Don’t let this steely resolve lead you astray though; the African woman’s just as capable of unimaginable empathy and tenderness as she is of fiery determination. For the most part, African women, are the embodiment of a can-do attitude accompanied by an amenable smile.

This accommodating and approachable nature, combined with intuitiveness, and innovation often allows her to succeed no matter the odds. These are characteristics that help her succeed in business and in life, no matter how mundane her existence may seem to others.

African women reach further and recover faster. They do it all while maintaining their inner sense of independence and juggling as many balls as needed at the same time.

You’ll find them sailing along the catwalks of Milan, sauntering along Wall Street’s sidewalks, lighting up the silver screen in Hollywood, fighting poachers in the wilderness, or breaking ground on the oil fields of Houston. The African woman goes as far and fast as she can, yet never loses sight of her homeland.

One need think only of the achievements of Africa’s most influential daughters like Graça Machel, Wangari Maathai, and Nadine Gordimer to see the qualities inherent in all African women, regardless of race, color or circumstance. Embrace them, admire them and celebrate them this women’s month.

Check out our blog for more about the role of African women in the world today.


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