• white sandy beaches
    Azura Benguera
  • easily accessible
    Anatara Mejumbe Regal Angelfish
  • Quirimbas Archipelago
    Anatara Bazaruto

WHERE Mozambique

Mozambique boasts warm, beautiful places with a well-preserved coastline and lots of white sandy beaches. The country’s natural beauty, wildlife and historic heritage provide the best of both worlds, offering beach vacations combined with cultural and eco-tourism elements.

Mozambique is also easily accessible from Johannesburg and the Kruger National Park, with scheduled flights leaving every day, so it’s easy to combine Mozambique, particularly the Bazaruto Archipelago in the south, and a visit to Kruger Park for a safari and beach experience.

The Quirimbas Archipelago in the north is also worth considering for an even more off the beaten track experience.


WHERE Indian Ocean Islands

The Indian Ocean islands are diverse, each offering something special.

Mauritius offers a well-developed tourism infrastructure with beautiful, high-quality resorts and white sandy beaches. It has a strong merchant history with a multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual people.

Madagascar with its primordial forests, dramatic peaks and stony deserts - offer a very different experience along with its unusual fauna and flora. Reunion offers something of the same but with better infrastructure, and it comes with its own local wine (made on the Island!)

The Seychelles is a natural paradise, on land and in the ocean. Nature reserves and coral reefs offer you the opportunity to spot giant tortoises, turtles, manta rays and birds.